Tsurayu wrote...
I think I would go with the dictatorship. A lot of people in the Western world really have a negative connotation of dictatorship. It is just another form of government. We like to think of it ("we" as in United States particularly) as an embodiment of evil, but that doesn't necessarily have to be the case.
Don't get me wrong, I like freedom, but I hate the idea of wars and violence even more. It's easy to say freedom, and what not, but the world isn't black and white like that. Dictatorship, despite what some may believe, has it's uses and can be a very effective and strong form of government. In some respects, I'd go as far to say in many respects, it is stronger than democracy.
You just can't toss aside dictatorship because you are used to the concept of democracy. Both have their strengths and their weaknesses.
Ofc there are dictatorships that aren't a much worse type of government than some of the western ones (like the US -_-') but when I hear this "choose between freedom but suffering and worldpeace but harsh dictatorship", I think of it as a extremity, not comparing it to dictatorships that exist now. In my mind, he means no Freedom of Speach, no Freedom of the Press...
Well, basicly no Human Rights, constantly being observed, having no privacy so that you don't do anything out of line and harsh punishment if you do... That sort of dictatorship. Doesn't seems very awesome to me, I'd rather go die in a war being GAR.
Besides, a dictatorship is only effective until the people get tired of slaving for the fat guy with cigar and mustach (my view of how an dictator should look like) and decides to revolt and try to kill him. Even if they fail the effectiveness of total control has been lost.