German law

Hi guys,
as you can see at the title of this topic, I want to ask how Fakku's content would be regarded in Germany.
I'm like really paranoid because of the regulations.
I don't download or torrent anything, so could I get in any trouble because of the stuff on this site?

It would really reassuring if I could finally know if I won't get into any problems for watching stuff on Fakku.

Sry for any existing mistakes regarding spelling or grammar.
We have German users and buyers. To buy or sub you need a credit card or debt so that means you have to be 18+ anyways. One of the old admins is German. There nothing that would get you in trouble here. If you sub you have the power to hide the controversial chapters like loli/shota/incest so there that. Plus fakku won't send you something were it's illegal to own. We block sells to most of asia and in japan, but that because licensing and uncensoredship reasons.

If you need reassurance by a person of authority feel free to contact a staff member.
Smuggins Just Some Guy
Plus, as noted in another thread, the technology used by Fakku to avoid having contents just downloaded and redistributed is actually working in your favor for privacy.

1. You have an ssl connection (https) which means that you have a base level of encryption on the content between you and Fakku servers, so to the 'men in the middle' you content is scrambled.
2. Try right clicking and saving a page in a story sometime. You'll see that what you consider a page is actually many 'tiles' that are assembled by the javascript on your browser. I would say this helps disguise/confuse exactly what you are viewing when looking through your browser cache.
3. The content you view is not of actual people. In some contries, this makes a difference. For exampe, in the US depeictions of non-real children are not yet considered child pornography. However, that is cold comfort if you are charged with CP. Because they can charge you with anything, leaving you to publicly defend yourself, outing you to your employer and family. There is a Comic Book Defense League story about a guy coming into the US with tanks, some of which could be construed as CP (loli) and so they held him and threated to try him for CP. The guy cut a deal to somethingn minor, but if I remeber correctly, he is registered sex offender now (part of the "deal"). Because he didn't want to go to court over CP charges, even though he most certainly would have won.

If you are worried, I would recomend using Chrome in Incognito mode. This ensures a minimuim amount of data is being store on your local machine.