Raze wrote...
Happy Anniversary! Sekai WHOO!
I still have to get you that Sekai pillow. Also -> http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3209/2812537879_bdeb3c80e4.jpg Me and Tassu still remember you coming onto IRC drunk, you know. :3
Mike[tough] wrote...
So let's board the Jebus, pick up some rakes and hoes, and fucking party.
Dizzam, bizznitch. Them hoes will be all up in yo grill on the Jebus.
RaiArashi wrote...
I would like to think you helped me learn some things, which you did.
Someday, I will teach you how to Google efficiently. Until then, keep expanding that inquisitive brain of yours.
Captain_Falcon wrote...
Happy anniversary! (even though you don't like us)
That reminds me of an old screenshot from the old news system. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3166/2817340036_552ed5f9eb_b.jpg
Ugh. I lost inspiration. Thanks for the sex Ziggy. TMS, my butt is tender enough as it is, you can take it out now. I see what you did there, Ramsus.