Kimbunny07 wrote...
If you want to talk to a racist about being racist, never say THEY ARE RACIST. This will and can 1) set them off and 2) deflect from the issue at hand. When someone says something racist, tell them: WHAT YOU SAID WAS RACIST or WHAT YOU DID WAS RACIST. Never directly accuse someone of it.
Also, this "Blacks are inferior because of DNA" is just laughable. Black American success is abundant by the simple fact that there are HBCUs, businesses, our
CURRENT PRESIDENT, CEOs, scientists, etc. Anyone can move ahead if they have the determination, know how to access resources and connections.
Stay positive! You're (sadly) going to meet more idiots in your lifetime but change and understanding start with you! :)
Our current President is white according to all his campaigning. During his campaigning all he express was about his mother and his white grandparents. He never made any compliments of his father who left his mother. So, now tell how black is Obama.
By God/Supreme Being and everybodies ancestry one thing is a fact: WE are all the same human beings who strive to improve their own and surronding areas for the future except for all the wanton destruction we have done to our planet. Long term this can be repaired; I hope.