<CAUTION> Wall of text.
The idea of Hunting Wolfs, because of them killing Deer is retarded. Wolfs are being managed right now and are now off the endangered species list. There is population control on wolfs and you need a tag (license) to shoot them in Minnesota, right now they give out 200 tags a year or less depending on the population of wolfs in the state. Wolfs need to be managed, or else there will be an over population of them and they will run out of food source in the area and start coming into the citys.. and we dont need that.
Sara Pailen, has the wrong idea on why we need to control the wolfs population killing deer is there natural instinct to survive, and that should not be her damn reasoning to kill wolfs either you or pailen has the story wrong. i have not seen the article on this but i will look into it and edit if necessary.
I am a "Hunter" a sportsman who by you claim to just kill animals for the "Jollies" and put them on the wall.
Yes, I do kill animals for fun. The challenge on getting a wild animal up to you close enough to bag it is so exciting I cannot even explain it. I have a total of 5 mounts on my wall all of deer, all 12 or more point bucks. I worked very hard for all of them and im proud I got them so i am showing them off and praising them my putting them on my wall so everyone can see them. Better than just cutting off there head and discarding it and just taking the meat huh?
I eat everything I shoot. Duck, Quail, Pheasant, Deer, Moose, and i have even had Rabbit and Squirrel (not bad tastes like chicken)
But i understand your animal ACTIVIST ways, and i agree with most of what you said. I do not shoot just to KILL the animal and leave it in the forest or were ever i kill it. I use almost everything on the animal except for the organs.. I donate the hides every year to our donation center up here and they make leather bags and many other things..
now to the main point.
Is used for population control.
if we just let the population of Deer or Wolfs get too high, they will start to run out of food and start getting sick spreading diseases and dieing. if you live in a forested area up north you would know how many deer are up north by seeing them on the roads. i will not even drive up north until hunting season starts because the population gets so high that there popping on the streets and shit and everyone is hitting them.
I believe your statements are wrong.
and so are Sara pailens
Hunting is helping everyone and the animals too.
don't say hunting is bad if you do not know what the hell you are talking about.
there are reasons for it.
Also, i do belive that you sir/mam are the pussy here. You will only complain on what happens elsewere you will never do anything about it except post on fourms saying "HUNTERS ARE PUSSIES" and not get anywere in life.
Hunters are not pussies they are helping out the community by keeping down the population.
sv51macross wrote...
Let's say you shot a deer with a .50 cal BMG round...would there be any appreciable quantity of usable meat left?
there are only certain rounds and calibers you can use for hunting. a .50 cal would leave only half a deer laying on the ground. literally no usable meat.