Chat wrote...
nateriver10 wrote...
I, for one, fail to see the hypocrisy. Accepting homosexuality means accepting a natural part of sexuality. Accepting religion means accepting stupidity.
Religion is a choice, homosexuality isn't. To boot, homosexuality hurts noone, while religion hurts many. I'm not saying "ban religion!" but at the same time bashing churches while advocating gay freedom isn't hypocritical in the slightest.
It isn't because things have to be said. Religion hurts people and wants to spread its tentacles on free society. Pushing that back is a legitimate fight whereas banning gay people from having equal rights is simply not.
Defending gay rights and defending religion is NOT the same thing. They are NOT on equal grounds of legitimacy.
Stenta wrote...
nateriver10 wrote...
I, for one, fail to see the hypocrisy. Accepting homosexuality means accepting a natural part of sexuality. Accepting religion means accepting stupidity.
Ad hominem, please.
nateriver10 wrote...
I think people are free to do whatever they feel like. If you feel like going to church, go right ahead. Just don't expect two particular things: one, don't expect to get away with making laws based on that religion and two, don't expect to be respected for saying you believe in it.
So, accepting religion doesn't mean holding hands and saying «I don't believe in Jesus but he sure seems like a nice fella». On that logic, it would be same as starting to watch gay porn as to accept homosexuality.
Bottom line: homosexuality is natural. Religion is the cause of a lot of crap. It doesn't deserve respect. The people who follow it deserve what everyone else does: tolerance. There's a huge difference between tolerance and respect.
I do agree that people are often hypocrites but not on this one.
It's true that religion is very political and it is true that homosexuality in it's own right is not, so that is comparing apples to oranges -- true.
However, this is not about gay people, it's about
gay rights, which is purely a political construct.
So for a person to say that they wish to support/believe in a political construct(gay rights) without harassment and then to harass others who support/believe in a different particular political construct(religion)
is hypocritical.
You are simply wrong.
It most certainly is NOT an ad hominem. Do you even know what that expression means? I am attacking an ideology, not a person. And even attacking a person does not necessarily entail an ad hominem in case you don't know. If person X says stupid things, person Y has every right to call him stupid. It is not an ad hominem if it's true. Nor is it an ad hominem if no distinct person is involved.
Gay rights isn't a polical agenda, you moron. See? You said something stupid so I get to call you stupid. At least on this case. Gay rights are human rights. It is not a political agenda, it is an ethical one. No one can influence or attack a person's rights based on their sexuality which is what is being done.
You also make a filthy, disgusting false simile, don't you? The harrassment made by religious people is hate propaganda, attacks on human rights, retarding humanistic progress and, in some cases, violence. The harrassment made by the gay rights people is «Your pope is a pedophile».
By the Gods, saying gay rights is all about politics... Seriously, I don't even...