Hello there, I'm something of a (very) long time lurker who has a question I couldn't quite find an answer for and I figured the Fakku community if anyone would be knowledgeable. I recently ordered some H-doujinshi online from Otaku Republic's sister site DoujinRepublic. However, I'm starting to get a bit paranoid about it being searched and me being dragged in by the cops, even though it's quite tame and as far as I can tell perfectly legal (Nothing really objectionable save for a cover that's a bit pettan, though not loli).
I'm in the US, which seems more lenient compared to Canada, but I could use some advice/reassurance on the matter from people who might have imported, from that website or otherwise, since it's probably just nerves getting to me (First time importing doujins and all).
(I am new here so my apologies if this isn't the right subforum for this.)