Sipura wrote...
FinalBoss wrote...
I think in order for anarchy to work, we would first have to get rid of the monetary system. Money is the epitome of power, if you can somehow get rid of that system and replace it with something better (good luck with that) then anarchy may have a chance.
Getting rid of money means returning to the Barter system or the child friendly "Finder's keeper's".
Well, what about a system that gives people food, shelter and other benefits based on their abilities or working class alone? For example, let's say there are 4 ranks. The first rank is rank D, the second is rank C, the third is rank B and the last is rank A. People get a special ID card that allows them to purchase a certain number/value of things based on their rank.
Rank D is for people who have no job. A person who is rank D can be either children or just simply an unemployed adult. These people get no shelter unless they have special needs. Otherwise, they'll have to go to the usual homeless shelters (or of course live with parents). Food is free, but people of rank D can only get a limited number of items per week. Same goes for public transportation, only a limited number of rides per week. They can get a few new clothes per year, but not many. Other than this, there aren't many benefits towards being a rank D.
I'd go through the other ranks, but I really don't feel like going into that much detail, besides I'm sure you get the idea. The higher the rank, the more benefits you get. Sure the system is flawed, but I would take that over the monetary system any day.