StaticChange wrote...
I personally think that racism has too much hype. It is difficult to know where to draw the line, and we as a society seem to swing back and forth over it continuously. I think lots of people confuse dislike or hate for a particular culture as racism. Historically there has always been a strong correlation between race and culture, so it is easy to confuse the two.
I am not in the least bit racist, but that does not mean that I am not allowed to dislike or even hate a particular culture. If that culture then tends to be populated by people of a particular race it may seem to other people as though I am racist. I may even start to create generalizations about people of that race if they all seem to share the same culture, which of course will only confuse the problem.
This is of course where racism comes from initially. People see that other people who have a different skin color also tend to be different in ways that they don't appreciate, and so they develop a jerk reaction based on skin color, rather than culture.
In our modern culture though, we are so paranoid of becoming "racist" that it is no longer acceptable to dislike the habits of other cultures. Somehow you are supposed to simply not have an opinion on them, or else think that they are great. You can't voice your disagreement or you become racist. The line of what is acceptable is of course somewhere down the middle... but not everyone has the ability to differentiate the two.
couldn't have put it any better.
also, it's o.k. for me to dislike people for whatever reason I choose, and so I do. I don't need to answer to anyone in the world when it comes to my dis/likes, really. My mind is my own.