How do you define love, really? How would you know that the person you're having sex with is the one that you love and not a strong attraction towards? Ok, I'll stop with my rambling.
Ahem, well. Not wrong per say, although, I'd rather go with having sex with a person I love than just a random woman I picked up in a bar. But if you don't have a person you love, the question is: what to do... what to do..?
And, sex is simply sex - not an act of love, in my opinion. You're free to argue with me about that.
ShaggyJebus wrote...
Personally, my first instinct would be to not sleep with a girl who said that it was okay for people to have sex without love. I'd think she was a slut or had a disease or something. That isn't entirely based on truth or evidence, but that's the way I figure it. If you're open to having casual sex, you're more likely to have a disease. That's not to say that I would dislike the girl because of it; I simply would not fuck her.
I'm not a very romantic person, and I definitely don't believe in the type of love that exists in movies and TV shows and books, but I do think there needs to be a lot of discretion when it comes to sex. It shouldn't be something you do just because you're horny, where you're willing to do it with anyone who'll say yes. Not because it's special, but because there are consequences. Every time you have sex, there's the possibility of getting a disease or getting pregnant. If the people who have sex love each other, then at least there's that. They could possibly start a family or figure out what to do together. If Mary meets Billy in a bar, and they fuck, and she gets knocked up, what's she gonna do? Yeah, she could get an abortion, but that's a last-ditch effort. Ideally, people should do everything they can to avoid having to do that.
Even if it means staying home at night and masturbating.
Pretty strong opinions, eh? And lol at that last sentence.
So, I'd say
no, it ain't wrong.
Oh, and P.S:
Rbz wrote...
Whether or not it's wrong is subjective and depends on your values.
As I see it, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Emotional attachment to the person you're fucking is a nice bonus, but not a requirement.
+rep for your perfectly valid reasoning, which I agree with.