tswarthog wrote...
MrBreakfast wrote...
It seems dumb to me that incest is taboo(although maybe not in the situation of a father raping a daughter), the only reason anyone can think of it as a bad thing is that babies born from incest of a higher chance of having birth defects.
Love wont stop that bullet from going through your face.
Anyway I believe that if the emotions are strong enough and well though through I believe this kind relationship is fine. Only thing about incest that worries me is the people who do not go in for genetic talk's related to the higher chance of birth defects.
Yeahp, incest just increases the undesired genes, especially the recessive ones. Take a look at the russian imperial family of Czar Nicholas II and other royal families in Europe. Hemophilia did a good job on them.
But, if you really love someone, then go for it, even though incest has more cons than pros -- love conquers all, right?