Cruz wrote...
[edit1] I was drunk while writing this BIG WALL TEXT. Am still drunk when writing this edit, so forgive grammar issues.
[edit2] Yall should drink some mead. It's fucking tasty.
>publicly announcing reps
You guys are putting zero thought into this.
Even if by some miracle, other states/house members vote in favor, which they won't especially from other left/blue states(because that removes the biggest gains for them in every election), it'd be impossible to maintain California as a country.
And don't even suggest arm insurrection. That shit will NEVER work.
Very common talking points are:
We have a large population. Somewhere around 12% of all US citizens are Californians. (More than all of Canada, eh?!)
We have a giant surplus and therefore not a burden the Fed.
We have Hollywood. (snort)
We have Silicon Valley.
Or Agriculture industry is booming despite the drought we had for the last few years.
Now the reality check.
Maybe about 1/3 do believe that session is a positive. Despite California always voting Left after Regan, it's not all one group of people with similar world views and values. It'd be a lot of bickering between the coastal part of the country, or areas with large cities vs. those outside and/or not on the coast (essentially 60/40). This is not counting the possibility that somewhere around 1/10 of the people here aren't actually here legally, and aren't guaranteed to vote for a Calexit.
As for the money generated. It's actually quite a lot. 12% of the nation's budget, but once you start crunching the numbers, you will notice the US gives around 80 cents back on the dollar we give. That means we'd have more money, right?
Yeah, no. We don't pick up the slack for defense provided to us. California would have a laughably weak military.
But that doesn't even begin to get into the meat of issue, the money the state gets back from Taxes. We have rather high taxes and rightfully tax things like Capital gains normally...So there shouldn't be an issue, having a great dependence on high-income earners won't end badly, right? Those 150,000 people so can totally fund the 45% of the money used for 40 million of the people in California right? It's not like that are very rich and paying a lot aren't also located in let's say the NEW YORK STOCK MARKET, AKA THE US, RIGHT?
It's not like Silicon Valley's major source of income, patent and copyright laws aren't based on US international treaties that extend their protection throughout the world?
And it's not like those same Silicon Valley companies are dependent on trade with the other states and the ~300 mill Americans, right?
Nor do those companies have things like data centers and factories outside right? All that money comes from the inside and stays in the inside obviously!
All of this is not even considering if the US makes California take it's fair share of the debt before leaving. (12.5% of around 19 Trillion debt)
More than likely we will be stuck with the US currency.
But yeah man, Fuck Trump, he will not divide us. It's not like left leaning idiots gave that man power indirectly by making the Federal branch of government bigger and bigger in the last 8 years, right?
Beautiful. Simply Beautiful.