Hello all, I'm creating this topic in hopes that citizens of other countries or within the USA itself can discuss seriously the conditions and known solutions/cures to disease and illnesses that some ountries simply don't know about.
Specifically, My family has a long history of fatal illnesses and the like.
Both maternally and paternally, I myself have an unrecognized virus that has a whole list of symptoms.
My mother has sarcoidosis. My father has hepatitis c and cirrhosis, even though he does not drink. Recently he got bad news in that the medication (which causes him to get very very ill, similar to chemotherapy in cancer treatment) hes been taking has had some effect, but not enough to lead the hepatitus into remission. What this means is that, My father needs a liver transplant, but he cant get one because the hepatitus will kill it off even faster then the one he has now.
I would love to hear from any of you who either have experience with these diseases and or know of different experimental treatments? We have yet to get a second opinion but are going to do so soon.
(EDIT) Feel free to post even if you dont have anything reall relavent to say, I'm not expecting anything out of it, just me seeing if anyone at least knows about it.