Age wrote...
I have paranoia about various things and I am currently getting help with my paranoia of my social anxiety.
I think I have or look like I have aspergers just because of the way I am around others and the way I think, I sort of have OCD but not on any thing specific I just get the itch to do some thing some times normally correct placement of some thing, I sort of have a personality disorder mostly because of my lack of human contact and I feel like a ghost in a shell. I have been told by other people they think I have depression.
I'm not sure how it helps me be creative currently I feel unable to be creative because I try too hard to be a perfectionist that I end up not bothering to do any thing. Maybe with out my "personality disorder" or what ever I have and my depression I would be creative.
That's pretty much me, except I find it quite easy to be creative.