Wow, this is a wonderful question.
I kinda fall into both Moral relativism and Moral skepticism. I guess the best way to explain it is "I don't really think any of us have any clue what we're doing. So let's try stab around in the dark until we get a consensus on some things and then we can fight about the rest."
Sometimes, I feel very much like life is just one giant cluster fuck of happy accidents that make it kinda work.
shinshuuko wrote...
...regarding [the] statement "cannibalism is always morally wrong." This made me think of a couple of things, 1st being that some tribes a couple hundred years ago had cannibalism being a religious and honorable act, obviously the person was dead first. Secondly what about rugby team that was stuck in the andes in 1972, if they didn't cannibalize the corpses of the dead, it was much more likely that none of them would have returned from the incident....
For the record shinshuuko, I'm backing you up on this one. I already told my friends and family that if there is a good purpose, such as survival or organ donations, I would be very mad at them if they DIDN'T use my body. I'm dead. I seriously want you to avoid being that. However, don't kill me for food, okay? :)