SpaceCrash wrote...
The question is should I get angrier in life? I was bullied a lot in high school and I left most of my rage there and learned to be calmer in college(since it was over).
Maybe I'm not used to people like that, because I rarely meet any these days.
I wouldn't get any angrier, because anger won't solve your problems. People such as this woman you describe are quite common irl so you'll just have to learn how to deal with it. You can either ignore it and focus on your work or if it get's to be too bad, you confront her about her about these things and ask her to stop.
Honestly though I've dealt with people in my line of work that are just plain nasty, but you have to keep in mind that you are at work to do a job to provide for yourself (and maybe other's) financially. Even if people are giving you a hard time, you just have to deal with it and do your best at your job. I know this can be frustrating, but punching her or even if you decide to blow a gasket and just yell at her will make you look bad and could reflect poorly on your job.
I would also learn to vent out your anger in better ways, such as working out, cooking, cleaning, masturbate/intercourse, or even writing them down in a diary. Finding healthier outlets for your anger and stress will help with your feelings at work some.
If it truly becomes that much of an issue then you may have to consider your options at that point. Do you feel like you can continue working in that environment or do you think you need change how you react to certain things, etc.
SpaceCrash wrote...
Everyone at my work is older than me(no really)
Could that be it?
An asshole is an asshole at any age, so age isn't the main issue. If you're younger/fresh meat joining the shark tank then they may pick on you more depending. Just sounds like your typical co-workers that have nothing better to do, but be dramatic. You just keep your nose out of it and mind your own business. Take things a day at a time, work hard, and find things that are enjoyable outside of work to take your mind off of things when you're done for the day.
Other then that, not much else you can really do. Talking to a supervisor is one of the last things I would do, because most supervisors don't really care about these things and will tell you to work out your own problems with this person first. Usually makes you look whiny.