littleRED wrote...
LustfulAngel wrote...
The difference between your country and mine is a fairly simple yet a huge one: I live in the United States. Our gross domestic product is probably two or THREE times yours.
It's actually more than three times. I live in Serbia. Serbia has approximately 7 million citizens on an area of 34,116 sq mi. The PPP GDP of Serbia is $10,661 per capita, the nominal GDP is $6,267 per capita.
Compared to the US, that have approximately 313 million citizens on the area of 3,794,101 sq mi - the PPP GDP $48,147 per capita and the nominal GDP $48,147 per capita.
The difference in what your government spends on salaries for government employees alone is far bigger than three times. The US do have a larger budget, but they also spend more.
Elections actually cost far more than hundreds of thousands in the US. The elections 2012 will be the most expensive ever, with a total price tag of $6 billion (or even more).
Imagine SIX BILLION DOLLARS funded only by the government.
In my country the government pays the money for campaigns of parties and candidates. I'd rather have private bodies sponsoring campaigns, than my government paying for it.
Do you not see a problem right there alone? Six billion dollars towards a man or woman's career, that is not you yourself? How can I possibly justify a system where the people's money is ripped off for someone else?
How can we call ourselves the beacon of freedom and prosperity if our elections cost this much? Of these billions, how many of them are in tax-payer dollars, probably at least half if not more!?
This doesn't only just kill the productivity of a nation, it outright encourages theft. These politicians don't need first-class makeup/travel, etc. If they feel the need for it, they themselves will pay out of pocket expenses for it.
Tax dollars should only go to reconstruction and otherwise important government functions, but to these politicians career? That, should end in the 21st century.