Before I start I would like to say its my first post here, and I am sorry if I this thread already existed. (I have checked, but I may have missed it and I am sorry.)
Now down to the real topic. Nuclear energy as we know it is in fact a amazing thing, but the way we use it today is quite the opposite. The waste/energy ratio from both Heavy water and Light water reactors are terrible.
But to keep this short, and down from excessive reading, here's a video that has me hooked on the Liquid-Fluoride Thorium Reactor. The LFTR.
(BTW - Its quite a long video, so watch at your own risk, but this video summaries it up in the first 5mins, so if you have 5mins to blow and want to learn something very cool, here you go.)
PS- If you think this is cool, I recommend Subing this guy, its not my account, im just trying to spread awareness.
Also, if you think you have a better nuclear alternatives then the LFTR, please say so lets have a proper debate, prove me (and these guys) wrong, besides really what do I know? All I did was post a video.
But I know vaguely of the LFTR. I think that if a proper cold fusion reactor can ever be made, that would be about the only thing to replace it. However, I'm not exactly a nuclear scientist, so my word is about as valid as a strip of bacon's.
Watched the whole thing and I must say I am enlightened. From what I've gathered, LFTR was something that should've been invested in a long time ago and I find it silly that we're not taking advantage of the abundance of Thorium available. Very soon, we're gonna run out of the fossil fuels we use today, but because of the false impression people have about nuclear energy, we're at a slow start towards making progress. I hope things change soon because we're running out of time here.