No, the concept of right and wrong can never be objective, it shouldn't be objective either, bringing such a topic that is solely based on personal preference to an objective level would disastrous.
I liked two of the points listed in Wordmangler's post.
- I believe that there is no such thing as right or wrong -- that the entire concept has no application to real life.
- I believe that notions of right and wrong are simply established by convention, by agreement between members of a society, and have no intrinsic rightness or wrongness.
First of, what morals a person can possibly have is a concept that is purely personal, you'll be influenced by everything around you, and some things will appeal more than others. People are also taught morals from their peers, but this will also be interpreted on a personal level, and applied as such.
I will never try to disregard that there is a overwhelming majority of people that believe the same things are right and wrong, especially notions that I think basically everyone agrees with, eg. Murder is
"wrong", molesting children is bad and that curing diseases are good.
- These things correlates to the point of convention. Of course I'd rather have good neighbors than bad ones, but the entire idea of what makes a good vs a bad neighbor is subjective. I want someone who correlates to my idea of what makes him good/bad for my own comfort.
Of course I think that murdering someone for no reason is sad, sick, twisted and unnecessary, but who am I to say it is inherently
With this being said I completely agree with the opening quote about empathy. But empathy and morals have very little to do with eachother, I'd almost say that it support my point. In a world with objective concept of right and wrong there would be no empathy. There would be no
need for empathy since the concepts would already be set in stone.
The majority's notion of morals also change with the times, just a century ago basically every known culture would raise to smash a couple of homosexuals into oblivion and no one would think twice about it, but if we go even further back there were cultures that saw nothing
wrong with it. Modern science got where it is today through research that many thought were amoral and wrong once, that it was in defiance to whatever force they believed in.
tldr: Morals are subjective and ever-changing, it would be sad to see they become objective, it would stagnate the entire world.