the unknown wrote...
And do you know why? Because when christianity came into existence, humans didn't know anything about the universe. You can't make things up about things that you don't know exist.
...If that was the case, wouldn't you expect lots of things in the Bible to be proven wrong by now? Like the whole Genesis 1
Not if science isn't out there to prove the bible wrong. Besides, the bible IS wrong on plenty of things, like, oh I don't know, the sun being made AFTER light was introduced, and night and day existing PRIOR to the sun. Genesis is scientifically inaccurrate, anyone who doesn't concede this is a religious nut.
Virgo wrote...
The bible may give you answers, but it doesn't give explanations. As Sagan said, "extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence". There are no grounds for the claims in the bible, I don't want answers and then be happy with it. I want answers and rational explanations, that's what separates religion from science.
That's the thing. Some people are satisfied with answers and others want it to be explained.
Have you seen how most math textbooks have the answers at the back?
1:You can choose copy the answers and turn in. (religion)
2:You can work while checking the back to see if you have got the right answer.(religion+science)
3:you can workout the problem and never look at the back. (science)
If the Bible gave the answers, science will never improve because everyone will be relying too on the Bible.
you disingenuous little cunt. Did you literally just fucking say that? Did you literally just say that religion is akin to having the answers in the back of a math textbook already? Here's the facts: Not a single sicnetific advancement can be made to a single holy book. Not a single holy book has EVER inspired a scientific breakthrough, or EVER shown scientific knowledge that went past th knowledge of the days when it was written. The reason the bible doesn't talk about the rest of the universe in its creation myth is because the desert goat herders who wrote it didn't KNOW abotu the rest of the universe. Stars were just flickers of light that made night time pretty to them. that's why to them it took just as much time to make all the REST of the stars as it did to make ONE star(ours). Religion doesn't provide any sound answers to anything. the only thing it does is make bold bare assed assertions about the reality of the universe that are never backed up by evidence, and are constantly re interpreted to mean something completely different when evidence in fact CONTRADICTS anythgin it says. It didn't take long for moderate christians to decide evolution was perfectly compatable with the bible, by simply making the creation myth even vaguer than it is. It didn't take long for people like Schroedinger to come up with exrapolations to say, "Sure, the universe could be 14 billion years old and it would PERFECTLY coincide with the bible's timeline" Despite the fact that NOBODY has ever discovered ANYTHING of scientific importance thanks to the bible. Not a single scientist.
Here's a challenge for you. Look through your bible and find me a scientific breakthrough that hasn't already been discovered. Try and find a profound piece of scientific knowledge inthere that we don't already know. Go ahead.
I already know you can't do it because it's impossible. The book reflected the current scientific understandings of bronze age goat herders and that's it. the last time it was tried was when a mathematician tried to figure out when the bible says the earth was formed, and he got it down to an exact date arond 6000 years back, but that wasn't good enough, because tree ring data supports the earth is at least 11,000 and even young earthers accept tree ring data as accurate, so they extended the calculation to between 10 and 6k. We've found artifacts dated at at least 34k years, and skeletons dated far older than that. The bible isn't a path to fucking truth, it doesn't provide any real answers, it's a bronze age book with bronze age beliefs and values. Fucking hell even BISHOPS will tell you glladly that anyone who tries to say the bible is scientifically accurate is a loon. Anyone who's been in seminary for more thn a year knows the bible isn't the infallible word of god, it's just a book, written by men, many men too, at least 5 OT authors and many more NT authors.
And what's this shit about the bible saying it should never be changed? Do you know that's in the ORIGINAL texts? Let me answer that for you: You don't. You know how I know? Because biblical and historical scholars acknowledge that there ARE no original texts to ANYTHING written in the bible, and we don't know who ANY of the authors are.
And to top it all off I have one last thing to say. If you really, are REALLY honest with yourself, you will EASILY see that any religion that has a creation myth, or talks about the world's attributes in any way, perfectly mesh with the scientific knowledge that was ALREADY KNOWN at the time the religion was founded, and do NOT perfectly mesh with current scientific understanding, and if you still think they do, let me introduce you to Bishop Spong and "Why Christianity Must change or Die."
Edit: @ K-1 God isn't omnipotent in the colloquial osense of being able to do ANYTHING he wants, at least no serious theologian believes this anymore. He's omnipotent in the sense of "Being able to do everything possible without being logically contradictory." Essentially, they came up with a cop out to the "Can God make a boulder so big he can't lift it?" question. Also a more easy to understand question this counters is "Can God be both red and not red?" No, because that's logically contradictory, and it's not within his omnipotence.