theotherjacob wrote...
I'd like to point out something even more interesting about police brutality. I like to compare it to social trends and public outlook towards certain professions. Look at fire fighters for instance, they are highly respected in almost all cultures, as well as soldiers if we are talking about first world countries. But look at the trend mostly in north america, it is highly apparent that we treat police with minimal respect and often show them hostility for no logical reason.
How many times have I seen someone walking buy a cop car yelling "Fuck you pig!" but I never understand why, what has that individual done to you. He or she is doing their job as best as possible but more and more people are becoming uncooperative with law enforcement and I believe that this is a direct result of our societal hostility towards law enforcement.
Comare it to Germany or France or China or Japan. Other leading countries comared to Canada and America show their police force the utmost respect and often don't require the police to have warrents to search property because their police for when they do show up aren't doing so on fraudulent accusation and they most certainly are not preparing to be shot at when they approach a property.
Look at Japan for example since we are on a hentai website. Until the 1960's the Japanese police force did not carry fire arms or blades. It was the American government that forced them to do so. When the police in Japan show up, people immediately comply. They offer them food, allow them to search the location, they give them the utmost information possible and the police go about their day. Japan is a country of the least reported police brutality and the least reported police corruption.
I think that speaks volumes compared to what happens here. I treat the law enforcement with the utmost respect and it is returned. I have never in my entire life ever been treated with disrespect by an offer, I have never been attacked or injured at the hands of an officer. I have seen cases in person of where people have been hit by officers, all of which I look at the victim and say to myself "god you are a stupid being, you could have seen that coming" The conduct of our society is sickening to say the least.
If you follow the law and don't prevoke the police there is never a problem but all the people you see in those videos of police violence do not show the police the least bit respect. If an officer tells you to back up and you stand there spouting your "freedom" crap in their face like "This is a free country, I'm on the sidewalk. I don't have to move" Well you're going to get your ass beat, if you just listen to the officer who asked you do something that isn't unreasonable. You'd be fine.
So NO, I have no sympathy for these people that get their ass beat.
I had to +rep you because you posted a side of the argument which I failed to mention.
I do agree with your point, most of the demonstrates purposely attract police to do something to them to justify their belief that the government is corrupt and so is the police force, and that mostly the ones who do the provoking are the protesters, which I personally believe have no gains in it because it needs to be professionally dealt with.
Although I do agree with you, however I wanna use the 5th and 14th amendment to my defense of argument stating police in any circumstances must preserve themselves until the situation for force calls for it,and not just that, the amount of force must also be used to the level of it needed to hold everything under control, meaning no more than what is needed.
Although there are cases that some of these protesters NEEDED to be forced to calm down, I still doubt that the woman on the video link deserved to be slammed down and get badly injured, considering she was no physical match for the two officers consisting of over 300 pounds of force.
I know force is needed, and many people need to comply, and probably some of the truths from the story were hidden to make many cops look bad. Still it is the responsibility of the police officers to exactly know how much force is needed and to know if the person they are using force on is the right amount.
I don't disagree with you, I just wanna defend my part.
Also, yes, I have no sympathy for many either, but police needs to follow the laws as well.