Nashrakh wrote...
PS: Is it bad I find the topic image to be sexy?
No, you're just special Nash. ;p
I don't like going to the doctors. Every time I go it's feeling around on my chest, or every year wanting to examine my crotch with a metal thing taking a sample of my cervix ;| Does not. feel. good.
I just hate doctors overall. One time I had an ear issue that for the love of god, I just wanted my family doctor to set me up with a specialist. I had excessive wax trapped way deep in my ear canal, and all methods couldn't get it out. But instead he'd be like 'here, try this pill - this should loosen it up, your wait time will be about a month with a specialist' and every fucking month I'd go back to him and he'd keep telling me to try other shit. Finally I stopped going to him and my ear seemed to have gotten better on its own ;| (No, I didn't take the pill bullshit)
I can't remember the last time I've gone to a dentist, to be quite honest. I really can't. I've only ever had 1 cavity, and it was on a baby tooth. Once it was filled, it eventually fell out and a healthy adult tooth replaced it. I assume my teeth are fine, I'm not having any troubles.