FinalBoss wrote...
dragonsheart967 wrote...
Seriously, anyone can find cases where criminals were arrested and not killed during so, while innocent people were killed from the entirety of a fucked situation or the cop being a total cock.
Of course anyone can. Its called finding a trend. If you want a statistic, you have to take a series of related samples and put them together in order to support your argument. Finding a trend is a valid way to make an argument.
But not when you only look at specific factors(in this case, race), and provide your evidence in what looks like(not saying it is) a bias fashion. Like it showed in the video, these cops fired on unarmed people, and again, as the video showed, it doesn't just happen to blacks. So obviously, the pattern you are showing where people who did not perform a crime were killed doesn't have race being a common denominator here.
If you want to show racism, then you are going to have to show evidence that doesn't rely on showing what you only want to show. The situation is like a feminist claiming that there is a problem with violence against women and provides "evidence"(examples) of women being victims of violence, but leaves out the obvious fact that women are not the only ones being victims of violence in this country.
To prove your point, you would need an actual statistical study that shows the difference in numbers between unarmed, innocent people who are killed by police. Only then we can truly see the scale and scope and not using pictures playing confirmation bias.
And for the record, I do believe racism is still alive today, as it is a thing that can not really kill it, and that it has taken root not int he country as a whole, but in certain institutions, such as the police. And I believe this is because of the fact that the level of crime blacks commit in relation to their percentage of the population, and this would possibly seed a general dislike for blacks which shouldn't happen.
So really, I'm not saying you are wrong or full of shit, just that your evidence is shit, and you need to make a better point.