obviouspam wrote...
Tender is worth as much as people think it is. That is what the market is all about. If I buy contracts on currency I then agree that the dollar is worth that much. I then make money worth more by selling to someone else who thinks they can in turn make a profit. Based on whether they can prove to someone else by being a douche that it's worth more then the dollar goes up. If sentiment of people thinking that they won't be able to buy more with the same dollar in the next minute/week/year then they sell their contracts for less to get something tangible and the worth goes down.
Wow, isn't that insanely retarded. But that's exactly how we determine the worth of anything, by demand. Gold isn't worth jack shit, but with more people there's less of it to go around. SOooo, if you go genocidal on most of the earth's races Gold would lose value in theory... but you would increase the amount of goods the remaining people would be willing to trade with while at the same time reducing the world's gross product of goods.
Trade is mental rape, you need a lot of lubricant to get through it but in the same way thinking about is perversely fun....after the pain and bleeding.
I would have worded my reply to the topic differently but pretty much have said the same thing. +rep.