Is it okay to wear a shirt that says "I Like Porn" to your friend's birthday party, when his relatives are going to be there? If you accept that you like porn and don't mind telling people that, isn't it okay to wear a shirt that says just that? Or should you only wear that shirt when with friends, or in an environment where the shirt will be appreciated?
In this case, i would say no. If its just you and friends(And all are at least teeenaged), go right ahead, but if the persons relative's are going to be there i don't think its appropriate because you would embarrass the friend.
More related to the anecdote above, if you cosplay for a convention, should you try to remove the outfit before going to a public place, like a restaurant or Wal-Mart?
I don't see a problem with cosplaying in public. There not hurting anyone, so who am i to tell them they can't? And i myself would be willing to cosplay in public if i was proud enough of my cosplay
A student goes to his morning class without bothering to comb/brush his hair or even brush his teeth. He gets out of bed and runs to class, pretty much. He's fine with the way he is, accepts himself completely and likes himself. Is there a problem with his behavior? Is it wrong that he goes to class like that?
If he or she can't find the time to get dressed and stuff in the morning sure, but i think if you have time in the morning you should brush your teeth at the very least
Or, to give another example similar to the ones above, if a person wears their cosplay outfit around the mall, and there isn't a convention or anything going on, is that okay?
Again, the person isn't hurting anyone, so what gives me the right to tell them they can't? Are they any different from a teen who dresses in a hoodie to look "gangsta"?
As for a job interview, i think you should wear whatever is appropriate for that job/workplace. A person working in a surf shop would dress differently than a businessman