Misaki_Chi wrote...
I did try a cigarette once in college because a small part of me wanted to know why my parents were so into it, but it was nasty and nearly made me barf. I know this was stupid, but whatever I live and learn [size=4]sometimes[/h]
It all depends on the tobacco you smoke. I recently found great organic native smokes, they taste and smell amazing. But i do agree, it was pretty stupid to try one if you never enjoyed the aroma to begin with...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
It's an addiction and a terrible and hard one to beat so even if a friend or in the case with my family chooses to smoke, I don't fight it. I might now stay at their place for very long since it's hard for me to breathe at a smokers house.
Very true for most people. I find its easy to cut back quite a bit though. I use to be a 1 pack a day smoker for quite a number of years, now i have 2-3 cigs per day, and thats only half the days in a week that i even smoke. I once quit smoking for a whole year for shits and giggles, and it was pretty easy, i just went cold turkey, and after 3 days i stopped getting nicotine cravings altogether.
I noticed that after switching to organic cigarettes (quite hard to find) i dont get cravings anymore, just force of habit :/