Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
s good that we can find SOME form of middle ground.[/spoil]
Before we start, I want to address how the Jones act (which is a piece of protectionist legislation) is screwing Hawaii. Protectionism: doing to your own people in peacetime what the enemy will do to you in wartime.
I reviewed the material you've posted, including the Jones Act Video and the Ron Paul link. Firstly, let's start with dismissing the idea that the Founders were proponents of "free trade"(Lord knows, the very concept didn't come about until Clinton's term passing NAFTA)
Mr. Paul correctly speaks of how we inflate the dollar via discretionary printing but the trade INBALANCE is largely why that occurs.
While this Cato Article would like to make the claim against Protectionism, it actually laid out the claim for it: We won't suffer as a result from Protectionist policies as a result of a high manufacturing base. The question isn't whether or not to protect American Industries but to what extent. I say, to the extent that reverses the loss of 50,000 manufacturing jobs and countless of millions in trade deficits across the globe.
Fiery_Penguin_Of_Doom wrote...
Oh god, my sides.
1. To express opinions or judgments in a dogmatic way.
2. To administer the office of a pontiff.
I don't believe I express my opinions in a dogmatic fashion, I am heavily opinionated insofar as it's intellectually necessary to be heard. Speaking meekly doesn't get the attention of other intellectuals. Besides, if I were speaking in a dogmatic fashion when did I oppose you as a person or a human being for disagreeing with me?
It's annoying as hell, to be sure. And I believe Libertarianism to be the policy of neutralism, rather than the pro active approach we need to lower the federal deficit, to pay sufficient attention to the concerns of the people. I also believe that the people, in of themselves don't always have the best interests in mind or have the best solutions(in fact, intellectually most of the time they don't)
But never have I spoken dogmatically against you, I just strongly believe that I've chosen a correct path in my socio-political development in the hope that I can serve my country as a statesman.
Fiery_Penguin_Of_Doom wrote...
Still doesn't make them the state which is the supreme public power within a sovereign political entity. In order for an individual to be the state, the individual must be sovereign.
We have different definitions of what "State" means. Government is merely a building, without the representatives who occupy Capitol Hill and the chambers of Congress and the House of Representatives our government doesn't exist.
A government is not an organic body, government is given organic life by the Human Beings who run it. So American Nationals thereby constitute the State.
Secondly, American Citizens are mostly certainly sovereign. You can eat, drink, fuck whomever you'd like. Just as long as it doesn't violate U.S laws. All Fascism merely holds is that the Citizenry of the Nation State put as much value in the State as themselves.
Fascist policy can be summarized best as: "All for one and One for All."
Fiery_Penguin_Of_Doom wrote...
Government gridlock, laws constantly stall along political lines and what few that so ooze out of congress are watered down, neutered and otherwise ineffective.
A bad time for a statist is a good time for a libertarian.
So a good time for a Libertarian is a non existent government? I'm glad we've finally confirmed this. And while it's true that the U.S currently has more laws than any other nation, we need at least something of a functioning government in order to enforce the laws we do have on the books.
Fiery_Penguin_Of_Doom wrote...
It's interesting that the Founders could reject separatism when they themselves were separatists. Something called the Revolutionary war is an example of separatism. Thomas Jefferson's agrarian society is an example of separatism.
Not quite, there is a difference between separation from a colonist nation to form your own, and the separation of different classes within the union. Again, otherwise the Republic wouldn't have been formed. The U.S. Constitution of 1812 overrode the Declaration of Independence and subsequent documents from that time.
Speaking of the Declaration, the Founders wrote something on it that explains their position on the idea of Separatism.
Founding Fathers wrote...
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
21st century English Translation: Separation between the Citizens and Government should only occur when basic human rights violations occur, and that separation is so serious an issue, that it shouldn't be resorted to over petty differences.
The Founders weren't separatists, their entire revolution was on creating a "more perfect union" between Americans and to stake a claim in their independence.
Fiery_Penguin_Of_Doom wrote...
I was quoting a segment from Mussolini's Enciclopedia Italiana.
In the Fascist State the individual is not suppressed, but rather multiplied, just as in a regiment a soldier is not weakened but multiplied by the number of his comrades. The Fascist State organizes the nation, but it leaves sufficient scope to individuals; it has limited useless or harmful liberties and has preserved those that are essential. It cannot be the individual who decides in this matter, but only the State.
Now you just seem like you're talking out of your ass.
That would be you, my friend as I clearly highlight: "It leaves sufficient scope to individuals". Limiting useless or harmful liberties(such as those I discussed in the earlier thread) and preserving the ones that are essential.
The reason Government has to make decisions on such matters, is quite simple: Do you expect the people to do so? Could they? Even under a Democracy, or say Libertarianism that proclaims that the most essential part of life is the non violation of property, you well acknowledge that people do in fact violate property.
Fascism isn't necessarily any different than any other form of government before it, except for these crucial factors: It's more centralized, more efficient and it recognizes that not all "freedoms" are equal. Should CEO'S have the "freedom" to make hundreds times more than the average American Worker to whom they owe that lavish lifestyle to begin with?
It's anti-capitalistic and has its roots in cronyism and Aristocracy. While Fascism has garnered a reputation for supporting businesses, NS Germany banned speculation and a lot of the reform was on the basis of supporting "the fatherland"
You know, instead of their fat crony pockets. This supports us, how?
You might argue that it's their property, I will concur on that notion:
when properly earned but when a system is gamed, when people gamble via stocks and ruin hundreds of millions of lives are they not taking away other's property?
It is not that the Fascist State is anti-business, or anti-rich. It's pro-everyone is rich, because if everyone is rich then the State is rich. It's anti-corruption, greed and theft.
Just before the height of the Economic Crisis, the American People universally declared that our local industries must be protected. Even though the benefits of Free trade were largely seen as positive
Though in reference to a specific trade agreement with the Koreans, this article makes the case for the overestimation of the 'lack thereof' negative effects we'd see from Free Trade.
In Fine Print
I'll submit that I don't know 'everything', hell, I don't know much at all about the trade problem other than the very annoying concept that we Americans deserve to have jobs in America.
But what I have read, specifically the part about how a trade deficit is created via lower value of exports(items sent out) compared to imports gives me a little economic theory:
Free Trade hurts America, precisely
because it is free no different from how currencies are devalued by having more in circulation. Or no different from how if an item is cheaper/free in the average supermarket, the consumer expects it to be worth shit.
I should know, the 'intimation' cheese I brought from Save A Lot was so filthy I dared not cook another pizza with it.(It was only a buck)
Again, that's a theory and feel free to correct me. But on this particular subject I am far from dogmatic, I merely make an educated observation(Aka: guess)
Fiery_Penguin_Of_Doom wrote...
Fascism requires an opponent, a rival, a threat to motivate the people. Such egalitarian societies that you keep believing Fascism will bring about have all been proven to be rubbish. They devolve into tyrannical dictatorships where the state and elite oppress the people and brutal eliminate dissension by force.
All forms of government require a motivating factor, what is used as a said factor is irrelevant. George Bush cried out domestically that 'they' hate us for our freedoms. Both on the Left and the Right, the cry is to 'spread democracy across the globe'
It wouldn't be ideal if the egalitarian society were to be divided, for after all the purpose of an egalitarian society is to eliminate said divisions. But nevertheless, I believe in discussion and dialogue, complaints too can be valid for true leadership is the ability to adapt to various circumstances and conditions.
A balance then must be found between dissent and treason, willfully sabotaging the vast majority of innocent civilians or holding lawful grievances as our constitution allows and ordains as necessary for the survival of a true Nation State.
Fiery_Penguin_Of_Doom wrote...
The military spending can count as welfare because it's a subsidy to wealthy nations in the form of security. We the Americans pay billions of dollars to provide the security of other nations so they don't have to foot the bill. Our "national defense" is welfare to other nations.
That's all nice and dandy Fiery, except....
I care about America
When our youth are poorly educated, our schools are falling(and failing), when our teachers are poorly compensated and when hundreds of millions of Americans are homeless. I don't care for the welfare of say India.
Fiery_Penguin_Of_Doom wrote...
Bitch you just jealous of my super saiyan swagger.
Oh for Fucks sake ;) If we're to be literal Super Saiyan=Intellectual. I'm not sure if you agree, but I believe myself to be an Intellectual as well. Perhaps, you would summarize me to be on the 'Dark Side'?
Fascism on the other hand, has merged State and Individual interest for the better of both. There's a difference from a beneficial merger and subjugation.
Fiery_Penguin_Of_Doom wrote...
The reality is different from the doctrine. Communism turned into a dictatorship and did every Fascist nation to ever exist. Fascism is batting worst than Bill Bergen.
Communism didn't turn into a dictatorship, Communism IS dictatorship(of the political elite). Joseph Stalin murdered and butchered hundreds of millions, far more than Germany or any of the other world powers. The links I had seen on the first Goggle page were unconvincing and getting into this argument is both pointless and unnecessary.
Secondly, unfortunately most "fascist nations" fell the way after WWII and as noted, it was a world war. Why not focus on the time before the war? IE:1933-1939.
I cited Italy before, but Italy's economic progression comes nowhere close to the German Economic Miracle(Reading about this miracle, and hearing audio of Hitler explaining German Economics is primarily the reason I decided to make this decision)
How long am I to wait while the Democracies and even now from your statements Libertarians continue to rack up the trade deficits, refuse to protect the nation and see it as separate from the well being of its own citizens?
For one thing, it might surprise you but the Nazis supported Privations and thereby the concept of Private Property. I reference the Journal-Study from Economic History Review "Against the Mainstream: Nazi Privation in 1930's Germany"(2010)
As we know, Germany was under the failed Weimar Republic before the National Socialists came to power, and like all other democratic states, Germany was in large control of its central bank, the railroads/lines, energy consumption as well as manufacturing. Otherwise noted as Nationalization.
Most Western Nations held the norm of Nationalization according to the Study, it was only when Hitler came into power did the Western World see what was occurring in German Economics.
In 1932 The dying Republic liquidated United Steelworks, it is suggested by the Study the reasons for this were: A: "To have effective control over the firm" B: To socialize costs derived from the costs of the Great Depression and C: To prevent Foreign Capitol from taking over the firm.
I directly quote the Article now:
"Soon after the Nazi Party took power, United Steelworks was reorganized so
that the government majority stake of 52 per cent was converted into a stake of less
than 25 per cent, no longer sufficient in German law to give the government any
privileges in company control.48"
"According to Kruk, this operation was the largest single sale—until
the end of 1936—within the process of †˜indirect consolidation’ (of the public
debt), in which privatization was used as a tool for debt consolidation."
Debt Consolidation, sounds like a very crucial thing America needs to do doesn't it?
While the National German Bank was kept largely under Nazi Influence, the biggest Commercial Banks such as the Commerz-Bank, the Deutsche Bank, the Golddiskontbank and
finally the Dresdner Bank.
All of them were privatized and the State didn't retain ownership.
Of the 7 or so initiatives, only the main German Railroads(as well as the main German Bank) were maintained by NS Control. Everything else was privatized
"The activities of private business organizations and the fact that big
businesses had some power seem to be grounds for inferring that the Nazis
promoted private property."
"Guillebaud stresses that the Nazi regime wanted to leave management and risk
in business in the sphere of private enterprise, subject to the general direction of
the government.Thus, †˜the State in fact divested itself of a great deal of its previous
direct participation in industry . . . But at the same time state control, regulation
and interference in the conduct of economic affairs was enormously extended’."
"Guillebaud felt that National Socialism was opposed to state management, and
saw it as a †˜cardinal tenet of the Party that the economic order should be based on
private initiative and enterprise (in the sense of private ownership of the means of
production and the individual assumption of risks) though subject to guidance and
control by state’."
So specifically, what was it that the National Socialists wanted to control? If they believed to a good extent in Private Enterprise and initiative?
"It maintained private enterprise and provided profit
incentives as spurs to efficient management. But the traditional freedom of the
entrepreneur was narrowly circumscribed’.100 In other words, there was private
initiative in the production process, but no private initiative was allowed in the
distribution of the product. Owners could act freely within their firms, but they
were extremely restricted in the market."
In summary, two things: A: International Trade and the loss of German Goods overseas.
Just as the Founding Fathers earlier summarized, Hitler also came to the conclusion(and campaigned heavily against) the internationalization of the country.
We bare the fruits of a Liberal experiment that had its roots dating back to the
Great Depression. And we can see that Protectionists were right, the loss of
millions of jobs, increasing public debt of all nations and the weakening
Global Economy.
B: Market Manipulation, which we in the U.S. also allow rather liberally. Wall
Street and it's "too big to fail banks" were allowed to be "bailed out"(Nationalized) at the debt of the American People. Such stocks were either banned or heavily
restricted in Germany.
Not to say that trade, or commerce is bad but when even the Council of Foreign Relations finally admits to the flaw of the ideas that virtually their forefathers came up with, when European leaders say 'Multiculturalism' has failed. It's from a socio political level.
One that was expected, not only from the so called "far right"(I maintain it's a Third Position.) But also from the left as well(As you yourself acknowledge the
Fathers as 'Liberals' in the contemporary sense)
Here's my summary of my beliefs:
"Trade with
prosperous nations(key words), entangling alliances with none."
I've no interest in selling ourselves off to "developing nations"(and as we see
with China. That has SO worked out to our favor hasn't it?) But also, as I thought about it more carefully I also come to an Economic Hypothesis:
According to economic facts that we know today, the European Union(and the Global Economy) as a whole has continued to shrink. Is it safe to say that developing countries are suffering because they cannot develop as they become widely dependent on U.S. Imports?
Much the same, as we've become an Exporting Nation (with virtually just about anyone)
the quality of U.S. brands becomes even more expensive, ever so rare and indeed damaging to our central economic markets.
A Trade Balance requires the same discipline as a U.S. Budget Surplus. With massive
debt both nationally and abroad, now is the time to reevaluate where we are
from a economic philosophical standpoint.
We felt compelled to "share our riches", now we have none and a whole lot of
obligation to boot. It can only be called insanity to drain one of National Resources while at the same time going massively into debt to do so.
No doubt the Libertarian(such as yourself) will link this to war expansion(I maintain that depends on the quality of the leaders of men to prevent that from happening)
But what about a 'Global National Economy', where these developing nations develop their various ecosystems and ecostructure?
In your earlier video, it's noted that Hawaii has its various goods and resources that it can contribute to the International Scene. In much the same example as Hawaii, developing nations should first focus on their own ecosystem
and then expand gradually in the trade market.
The 'Global Economy' needs to slow down, consolidate itself and on a micro management level be more efficient and less costly. The 'Global Economy' is no less than the National Economies of all countries.
Thereby a worldwide National Policy would be best pursued.
Fiery_Penguin_Of_Doom wrote...
When the interest of the individual are secondary to the interests of the group. Example; Tom is a citizen of the State of New York and wants to buy a 32 oz soda in New York. The state of New York has banned sodas larger than 16oz. Tom's interests were secondary to the state of the New York i.e the collective.
Your examples of State and individual being one are more in line with anarchy in which a sovereign political entities (people) form an organized political community.
On this regard, it's actually rather interesting. The recent generations isn't the first time we've come to know soda, sugars,etc. So why are they so dangerous?
Artificial Ingredients The same is also held true for meat and even vegetables in our time, whereas in the time of our parents even wheat was freshly made.
From Monsanto's Harvest of Fear( Vanity Fair,2008)
"Monsanto already dominates America's food chain with its genetically modified seeds. Now it has targeted milk production. Just as frightening as the corporation's tactics--ruthless legal battles against small farmers--is its decades-long history of toxic contamination."
What kind of tactics? These kind:
"As Rinehart would recall, the man began verbally attacking him, saying he had proof that Rinehart had planted Monsanto's genetically modified (G.M.) soybeans in violation of the company's patent. Better come clean and settle with Monsanto, Rinehart says the man told him--or face the consequences."
"Rinehart was incredulous, listening to the words as puzzled customers and employees looked on. Like many others in rural America, Rinehart knew of Monsanto's fierce reputation for enforcing its patents and suing anyone who allegedly violated them. But Rinehart wasn't a farmer. He wasn't a seed dealer. He hadn't planted any seeds or sold any seeds. He owned a small--a really small--country store in a town of 350 people. He was angry that somebody could just barge into the store and embarrass him in front of everyone."
"It made me and my business look bad," he says. Rinehart says he told the intruder, "You got the wrong guy."
"When the stranger persisted, Rinehart showed him the door. On the way out the man kept making threats. Rinehart says he can't remember the exact words, but they were to the effect of: "Monsanto is big. You can't win. We will get you. You will pay."
Here's just one more segment on this company(from the same Article) describing just how poisonous these things are:
The Control of Nature
"For centuries--millennia--farmers have saved seeds from season to season: they planted in the spring, harvested in the fall, then reclaimed and cleaned the seeds over the winter for re-planting the next spring. Monsanto has turned this ancient practice on its head."
"Monsanto developed G.M. seeds that would resist its own herbicide, Roundup, offering farmers a convenient way to spray fields with weed killer without affecting crops. Monsanto then patented the seeds. For nearly all of its history the United States Patent and Trademark Office had refused to grant patents on seeds, viewing them as life-forms with too many variables to be patented."
"It's not like describing a widget," says Joseph Mendelson III, the legal director of the Center for Food Safety, which has tracked Monsanto's activities in rural America for years."
"Indeed not. But in 1980 the U.S. Supreme Court, in a five-to-four decision, turned seeds into widgets, laying the groundwork for a handful of corporations to begin taking control of the world's food supply. In its decision, the court extended patent law to cover "a live human-made microorganism." In this case, the organism wasn't even a seed. Rather, it was a Pseudomonas bacterium developed by a General Electric scientist to clean up oil spills. But the precedent was set, and Monsanto took advantage of it. Since the 1980s, Monsanto has become the world leader in genetic modification of seeds and has won 674 biotechnology patents, more than any other company, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data."
"Farmers who buy Monsanto's patented Roundup Ready seeds are required to sign an agreement promising not to save the seed produced after each harvest for re-planting, or to sell the seed to other farmers. This means that farmers must buy new seed every year. Those increased sales, coupled with ballooning sales of its Roundup weed killer, have been a bonanza for Monsanto."
Companies such as Monsanto poison our food supply and violate the trust consumers should have.
It's not just Peru though, but a vast majority of Europeans have done the same
Why shouldn't companies like these be banned from the American Market?
Sure, that wouldn't be a free market but health>"free"
Fiery_Penguin_of_Doom wrote...
The would be masters would be every person involved in "the state" as you put it. It's assumed that no two people will agree 100% on everything. So every point the individual disagrees with the majority then the majority are his masters. The group will always impose it's will upon the minority unless the minority is allowed to freely leave which governments don't permit. You're either a citizen of state X or you're a citizen of state Y.
Which leads me to what I said earlier: There is no such thing as freedom, well being comes from civilized order and Anarchy, while idealistic is A: Neither a government and B: Isn't order. It's a philosophy that expects order to come from its citizens.
Which is why there isn't an Anarchic State.
No one ever said you had to "toe the line" per say, just be respectful of your community and relative basic laws(many of whom as a Libertarian you agree with, such as non aggression). Example:
I've nothing against gay people, but marriage ultimately is an institution. Whatever sexuality you may be, there's no need to flaunt it in public. This isn't so much about government being in people's lives as it is about the 'rights' of a minority(in this case the LBGT community) overseeing the rights of a majority.
People can agree to disagree, but the LBGT community(much like Feminists) are not being persecuted. In fact, I'd argue such groups end up self persecuting and end up hurting their own causes.
Most citizens, irregardless of sexuality simply don't give a damn for what you do in bed. From a moral standpoint, it happens to be a mostly heterosexual nation and so, to keep the social order we'll keep it that way.
When and if homosexuality becomes the majority in America, they'll find that the discussion will change. Homophobic? No, it just plain makes sense. Although there are various types of clothes, some type turns us off more than others and we bother not to look at them or after looking at them, we have the pleasure of looking at the next rack in the store.
TLDR: Fuck whoever you want, just don't force other people to "accept" you for it, and don't openly engage in acts in a heterosexual country just for the purpose of ticking people off.
For the record: I'm bicurious(admittedly, I lean very much towards women). Again: I've nothing against anybody, I have something against alienating the general public.
It isn't right to be "prejudice" for example, but we really have to define what a "hate crime" is. Even if you're a bigot, as long as you're not physically threatening anybody who cares what the hell you're saying?
"Hate crime" is political thought speak for silencing dissent and I don't approve of it.(See, I'm not a totaltarian mad man bent to wrecking havoc. I just want a centralized country)
Fiery_Penguin_Of_Doom wrote...
Initiation of force and retaliatory force are the same as Up and Down. Both are directions but, Up is not down and down is not up.
I'll argue that force can be justified but, only for defense. I draw a very distinctive line on where it can be used because every justification for the initiation of force, you are justifying the use of force against yourself. If the majority have the right to initiate force against the minority, then what happens when you're the minority?
Honestly, it's just the golden rule applied.
Never denied that, if I take the liberty of using force that force can be used against me. The Golden Rule however states basically to treat those as you were to be treated. If I were to use political "force" to lower taxes, to properly regulate trade so as to bring about a trade balance. Punish corporations who acted against American interests, and thereby brought jobs back to America did I not use force to its justifiable ends?
The only ones who suffered from the force I applied, were those who were using their force(and mostly lobbying. Lobbyists IMO are treasonists against the Country. They violate the very little essence to a 'democracy' which makes it a system for propaganda consumption. IE: That the people have a voice)
It's from the knowledge that force can be used against me, that I can be careful when and how to apply force. I'm an anime guy(I guess we all are) and I watched Gundam Seed(Destiny). So allow me to quote Uzumi Nara Athha(in his dying message to Cagalli):
"Foolish are those who seek power, but those who reject power are also foolish. If you wish to seek power, in order to protect those values and that which you hold dear to you then I'll give it to you in your time of need."
Fiery_Penguin_Of_Doom wrote...
Which god ordained you to Shepard others who do not wish to be shepherded? Allow others to live their lives for themselves. If they so choose Fascism then more power to them. If they choose Anarchy then more power to them.
"god" did not ordain me(or other political leaders) to shepard people. Society itself ordained it so(in it's various forms of governing) because Anarchy has led to mostly chaos, disagreement and violence.
If Society's order must be maintained, then I chose the most efficient and least restrictive method in doing so. It would be wrong(and politically incorrect) to say that I would copy every last minute detail down. But I see nothing wrong with privatizing the economy, lowering, restructuring and ultimately getting rid of our debt.
Centralizing our trade partners, and assuring that we only get into favorable deals.
And allowing those developing nations to continue to develop. They can't afford to lose homegrown investment(and at the same time, a dose of foreign investment would probably be a boost to them).
At any rate, a "free market" doesn't exist. And it's not because governments are "controlling", it's just not feasible. The ones who want "free market" the most, are the ones who want to continue pawning the game that keeps lesser nations broke, developed nations are stunted in their growth and the vast majority of the people are
Is that what you want?
Fiery_Penguin_Of_Doom wrote...
You're trying to justify using force to impose your will because you believe it will be beneficial. Unless people can choose to associate how they please, you're subjugating them and that isn't unity, it's imprisonment.
In establishing an Anarchic Social Order, you too would be justifying using force to maintain this society. To be more specific: This broad definition means that any political leader is using force to impose their *will* on the people.
In my mind, the proper word is assimilation, which though similar has a distinct difference:
A State of Similarity
I won't hide it, through reading various economic, socio political and esoteric texts and books I realize that I'm an egalitarian philosopher. From the very beginning, before I read such texts I dreamed of 'Univeralism', a political concept not yet touched on nor the word itself popularized.
It was then at first, that I believed that the world could be united first via collective means. But when reading about Social Darwinism and Individualism,
as well as America's not so hidden animosity towards each other did it become clear that Universalism couldn't be had, not without first considering the individual.
Fascism, then, was the answer thought of by Hitler and Mussolini. A merger of both Individual and Collective. If a Collective mindset could be established, while preserving Individual Value, Universalism could be born.
We are in a different world than the one from 1933-1945. Though "Tolerance" is quite different from "acceptance", people have come to some degree of understanding that everyone has Individual Perspective.
The world will then be connected, via those Individuals who seek out each other. In other words, why have a bigoted 'white' person next to an African-American? All you're doing, at best is creating inner turmoil and at worst the polarizing sides will go at each other.
I see it like this: America connects to Asia, Asia connects to America. Europe connects to Russia, the African Nations will eventually reach out and connect to European Nations.
Self-Determinism is my philosophical approach to bridging the world together in Universalism. Not everyone will agree with everyone, but everyone will agree with someone.
The "Third party" syndrome will assure that one connection will become many indirect connections.
We are freed from the hatred and bigotry of the past, this allows us to identify with ourselves in a constructive manner and through that self identification allows us to reach out to others.
The manner in which we are currently trying to construct the world, is an illusion of said progress and the continued fostering of dissent and a lack of self identification
Fiery_Penguin_Of_Doom wrote...
You are more than welcome to and I give you my full moral support just don't force people to accept your society if they don't want to otherwise you're just a dictator and a tyrant.
I never have and I never will, but I will make the argument that the time has come for us to embark on what has been Humanity's greatest challenge: The One True World.