Meeks wrote...
It's just hard for me to believe that all things in that small point could possibly be anything like what we know now. The laws of physics or w/e in that single point would be vastly different than what is here now. We know that our law of physics works for most of what we see, but as we go further out and apply it on a larger scale flaws begin to appear. That's why I can't be so pleased with, "well it was already there it just is got pushed out".
lol, it seems like you do not understand the laws of physics ruling over a Black Hole if you say that. First of all, you can not see a Black Hole, since light can not escape from it. Cuz' of the density of the matter in a Black hole, a teaspoon of the core from a small one would theoretically weight as much as Earth. Not even time exist in there because of the massive gravity. A Supermassive Black Hole, such as the ones suspected to exist at the cores of galaxies (including our own) and holds them together holds the masses of thousands of billions of solar masses.
I think that is pretty damn large scale, and I would not be surprised if all the matter existed in a similar condition before the Big Bang.