Peace-Sama wrote...
Girlfountain wrote...
The Theory:
-Every person, animal or being in your existence is a materialized illusion that is created based on the actual thing, however the real person/creature is living in a whole different form of existence.
-According to this theory, any of you who are going to respond to this thread or anybody or anything that occurs is merely a perfect projection of what or who it really is. This is not saying that you don't exist, just that your an illusion in everyone else's reality. You may have a missing eye in my world, but perfectly fine in yours, if we ever met, you would be meeting your universes projection of me
So,in this tid-bit what your saying is that each and every person has a different view of someone else?
Think of it this way, our TRUE selves are only in our universe. When you encounter us in your universe, it is just our illusion, we are "real" like everything else in said universe, but not our TRUE selves. Our true selves are on separate universes.
Another example, GirlFountain's universe has her thinking of this idea, so she posts it on her universe's FAKKU website. That whole process is then copied to our universes and we see it. In my universe I see certain responses, but in your universe you will see other responses and GirlFountain's universe will have different responses.
In a sense, it is like asking the same question on five different websites, you will get different answers in total, you MIGHT get similar answers, but not 100% the same overall.