Tribly wrote...
The Jesus wrote...
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the bullshit that's going on in Texas.
How bad is it? From what I have seen, there are foreign martial arts(Karate?) school that chant religious prayers in every bout.
I believe the Texan school district requested that a textbook tweak it's information a bit. So basically they can insert their own biased information, or something irrelevant. The issue with that is that they have the power to do that, only because they're a large state. I'm sure every other state can't do it besides California, there's not enough buying power behind it. :[
Also, the issue with our education is yes, the younger generation as we go on are starting to get accustomed to the life style that is the product of necessity. So used to convenience, they become lazy. There's also teachers, a lot of bad teachers often don't get fired because they're in a union, and can't be fired. For example, my schools curriculum is quite easy, but my friend in another is taking all these college level courses already. Makes me envious :[.
The hardest part is unifying the whole curriculum to one high standard, if we're talking the U.S. we used to be one of the smartest countries in the world of education, and then plop.
Also, materials used for learning are really not fair, I get the ratty old text book, boy who lives in the rich neighborhood gets a laptop to use [that their teachers can use to spy on them via webcam]. And that's because schools get funding based on property taxes, if the buildings aren't worth a lot the school is obviously not going to get enough funds. Leading to underpaid teachers, being understaffed, it's really unfortunate because the majority of kids who attend terribly funded schools end up in a bad place.