TheOnlyKami wrote...
1. You hit the nail on the head. A simpler way to say that is, "I think, therefore I am." I am the God of my observable universe. Please refrain from using uncouth words, but in response to what 'God' is to me, well I believe we can both agree from the dictionary's definition. Being :
The creator and ruler of the universe. Source of all moral authority.
You are the source of all moral authority for yourself? Sure.
The creator and ruler of the universe? No.
You didn't create the universe you occupy currently. You have no control of what happens in the universe you occupy currently (apart from your own actions). You didn't have any control over what so ever in deciding whether you would become to existence. Do you think once you die all of existence seizes to exist? I can assure you we all will be here once you have passed away.
TheOnlyKami wrote...
2. I do agree it is semantics, however, can you prove that your actual reality exists? I can prove that my reality exists to myself, because I am experiencing it right now. Your reality is also what you interpret from this 'actual reality', that supposedly exists.
There is no
'my' actual reality. I simply live and exist in the reality that is. My world view is based on what science tells us, not what makes me feel better. Anybody can say that "i enjoy watching stars" and feel good about it, but once you say or claim that the stars in the sky exist so that we humans could enjoy it, that is a false statement and contradicts science. It is a claim you can't prove, it is purely subjective.
TheOnlyKami wrote...
3. Neither do I, and I guess we can both agree on that. A little hiccup though, if you live in a world where there is 7 billion supposedly delusional people, are you the sane one?
If the 7 billion people are actually delusional by the standard established by medical scientist for example, and i am not delusional then yes, i would be the sane one.
TheOnlyKami wrote...
4. This is probably a repeat of what I said in point 1, but yes, semantics again. What I don't understand is, why do you seek to correct others for theirs? (Which is somewhat an indirect violation of code that you live by, mentioned in point 3)
This is a discussion board where we discuss variety of topics where we can either simply state our own opinion on the matter or we can directly quote others and correct them through our own opinions. Those who care to respond to the corrected arguments can do so, but if they don't want to they don't have to and the conversation ends.
Me not caring what other people think for one is a broad statement meant for people who i don't know or who don't effect my life, and even to my friends. If my friends ideology doesn't effect our friendship, it never comes up in our way, whether i agree with him or not doesn't matter, and therefore i don't care what his/her personal beliefs are and i even respect his/her right to have the belief.
Second, it is not a code i live by. Just because i don't care which team wins in a football game, doesn't mean i can't enjoy the game. Just because i don't care what other peoples personal beliefs are, doesn't mean i can't enjoy debating about ideas with them.
TheOnlyKami wrote...
5. I was not aware that they were 2 different things, but since you brought it up, it seems like they are. Fine, we will go by that. One thing that irks me abit, is your mentioning of 'universally accepted'. There are a number of ways I can target that, but my main issue with it is: Who else is out there who shares the same 'theory' as us?
I don't know. I don't know what you mean by that question.
TheOnlyKami wrote...
Moving on, fine example indeed, however I would not be so hasty as to assume evolution is a fact,that is if your definition of universally accepted, reasoning, studying, arguing and agreeing upon still applies to 'fact'.
Evolution is a scientific fact, not an absolute fact.
"Universally accepted, studied, reasoned, argued for and agreed upon" as in there is a scientific consensus that evolution is the most reliably established theory to explain how animal species evolved to their current state. The wording 'most' means it is not an absolute fact.
TheOnlyKami wrote...
Alas, we are not here to talk about evolution, but the topic at hand. I do admit that I did not specify/ was not specific enough in my argument, and I do agree with your scientific theory even with the flaws I pointed out earlier.
You haven't pointed out any flaws.
TheOnlyKami wrote...
The main thing that strikes me here again, is your violation of the code you mentioned in point 3. As I was addressing your factual demands, I noticed that you do what you hate, correcting and forcing others to believe your universally accepted facts.
Firstly, it is not a code i live by.
Secondly, i don't do what i hate, i do what i like.
Thirdly, i don't force anybody to believe anything. I have no control over what so ever as to how people judge my arguments.
TheOnlyKami wrote...
4. Perhaps the tone of my argument was not able to convey across technology, but I was in fact, mocking your 'absolute truth'.
I have not mentioned any absolute truths.
TheOnlyKami wrote...
For your sake, and for mine, I would like to bluntly point out, that there was some subtle sarcasm in my statement. Also, I need your explaination on how 'imo' and 'absolute truths' are linked, and how they are odd. I personally do not find anything odd with mentioning those 2 things, so I seek clarification.
If i state somewhere in the sentence that "this is my opinion," that is a direct contradiction to saying something is absolute. It is odd for you to claim i state both, even more odd when i have never stated anything i have said in this topic to be an absolute truth.
TheOnlyKami wrote...
I might have clicked on the wrong link, but I am quite sure I landed in serious discussion, thank you for caring. Yes you are allowed to discuss here, but not on your terms.
I am discussing on the terms of this website.
TheOnlyKami wrote...
People seek for discussion, not words thrown around that agitate or infuriate others.
It is not my fault certain words agitate or infuriate others. Don't participate in discussions that agitate or infuriate you.
TheOnlyKami wrote...
Also, on behalf of the large male demographic here, it is impossible for a male to be a princess, in case you didn't know. (we can have another discussion about that another time, if need be.)
The words you just threw that implies that i didn't know males cannot be princesses agitates and infuriates me, should you therefore be removed from the discussion?
(I would like to bluntly point out, that there was some subtle sarcasm in my statement.)
TheOnlyKami wrote...
Again, you are allowed. However, our thoughts are the discussion. Every single word here should be typed out with meticulous care and thought, for discussion.
I do just that, type with meticulous care and thought.
TheOnlyKami wrote...
On one very second last note, correct to who? Correct to yourself? (Please do note there might be a hint of sarcasm here, but it is up to your interpretation)
Correct to reality.
TheOnlyKami wrote...
On the last note, despite all the rebuttals, you failed to answered the most important one that I think was embodied in my last post, have you watched 'the Truman show' ?