I can't think of something I fear. I used to fear zombies, but that ended a while ago. I'm a lifeguard and a great swimmer, so fear of water or drowning is out. I play with fire all the time so pyrophobia [real word?] is out. I spar and work with weapons all the time, so that's out. I do parkour so any fear of heights or related injuries are gone, oh I know.
Beef curtains. Ugh. Grody. And having to pay a lot of money for something. Money controls how I live my life basically and not having a sufficient amount can screw up my life, like not being able to pay for college or a car. I need an education. And maybe fear of being buried alive? But seriously, when is that going to happen.
Most people I talk to or know have a fear for a really good reason, or a totally illogical reason. Like fear of mimes and clowns really make me wonder.
Oh, I should also mention that once when I was 3? (or was it 2?) I almost drowned, and it took me (quite literally) forever to over come a fear of drowning and learn to swim.
Same, but as humans we all have our fears, so i guess the only other one i can think of at the movement is heights (but not as much as i thought though, because i got on rooftops before)
I have a lot of little fears (spiders, heights, true intimacy), but the thing that really scares the shit out of me is the lack of control I have over every other person in this world.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, I can do if a stranger on the street decides to go crazy and put a gun against my head. I take that one thing and blow it out of proportion. Suddenly, every person becomes a possible murderer. And there's nothing I could do. Even if I carried a gun and was expertly trained in every martial art on the planet, I couldn't do a thing if a person standing behind me on the street decided to whip out a gun and fire it at the back of my head.
That thought, that I cannot control other people at all, and they can kill me, troubles me greatly, and I feel a lot of fear because of it.
Cockroaches. Seriously they disgust me so much I would even touch one, even with a paper towel. Once, I saw one, and I freaked out so much I ran and got my gun...it wasn't very effective....
1) Intense Nausea and Vomiting (I hate it so much it makes me feel helpless)
2) Breaking Bones (I've done it 3 times and the last time was Hell!! and has kinda scared me a bit since it was such a bad experience)
3) Being Single my whole life
Being incapable of loving or maintaining a healthy relationship.
Developing cynical/irrational/depressed attitude.
Losing my sense of humor.
No longer finding pleasure in simple things.
Losing interest in reading, writing, and editing.
Memory loss.
Going blind.
Living too long.
Dying a painful death.
Shit crawling into my body and taking control of me. When I heard about how viruses function, not only was I freaked out, but I felt very uncomfortable thinking about that shit.
I have a fear of very deep water. Whenever I am on a boat I never go on the open deck because im afraid of falling in the water. Same on the beach too, I never go in the water up to where i cant feel the ground =3