misterstupid wrote...
Shinichi Miyamoto wrote...
what makes u think u're still alive now??
were prolly not it is all a dream this is a test world for the higher power to see what will happen when it really does make us and then it can work out all the kinks and finalize the project.Just a thought there but it kinda makes sense if ya think about it.
I'm sorry, but how does it make sense? If there is a "Higher power" Capable of making us, and this world, and all the other things out there in this universe, then wouldn't that higher power be all knowing as well?
What makes you think that something or someone capable of making all of us would not be able to keep up with it all as well? If he/she made something as complicated as a human being, or as complicated as the universe, wouldn't that higher being know everything?
Just saying, that's what I would believe.