Tribly wrote...
I'm going to come clean and say this: Get an abortion or leave the kid for adoption. One thing I hate about the whole "keep the baby" scenario is that keeping the baby will most likely make everyone in the family suffer for only a slim chance of this so-called "happiness". You need money to keep the family from poverty, unless you live away from the city and can provide yourself, being poor is equivalent to a life of hell.
agree but the foster care system back home sucks so yeah she kept it but i never knew she was pregnant intil i when to her new place in san diego and she didn't want me around with her new partner(left me for a women T_T yea)and the kid, but my fiance wanted to be mom so we had one, nice in the start, hard freaking work later, but i can imagine not being a dad now.
Sprite wrote...
How do people pull abortions using wire cloth hangers?
plan c