It's against my belief to kill myself. I don't want to die. I need to lose my virginity. I want grandkids. I want to graduate from college with a masters degree in accounting and get my cpa. I want to keep teasing my little brother. I want to see if 2012 actually happens. Maybe if I wait long enough they can make me live for another 200 years. :D
I don't have one. I tried once to do myself in but to no success, but I'm not done yet. I honestly have no reason to live or to be. I wake up because my body tells me to. Many nights I pray that I never wake again. But to no avail. And no I am not religious. So I guess I wake up because this damn shell wont quit. *smiles faintly and knows people will consider him weird and never speak to him.* But as of now I'm just empty so I don't feel like killing myself. Not since I failed once. But the feelings do persist. Btw very kool thread. I like the community thus far. Please don't look to deep into this.