LustfulAngel wrote...
And they are in fact, useless. If they had meaning, we wouldn't have to "read between the lines" and try so hard to find the truth.
From your link's, source...
"The 86% figure from the CNN/ORC poll is in line with just about
every other national survey released over the
past couple of months, which found support for increased background checks
hovering around the 90% level."
"The ABC/Washington Post survey also indicated that 86% of gun owning households supported the proposal."
What "truth" are you uncovering? Because I am getting a different one? Truth is starting to sound subjective and bias. I don't understand how a poll with a higher percentage rate of "in favor"s derives higher important in an unrelated polling... I, as well, don't understand how gun legislation having a lower percentage rate means no one wants it or that it shouldn't be dealt with if it can be...
As well, there's (first ones vague and includes a multitude, but if assumed to be only one) 2 additional polls. 3k (minimum) now, still not satisfied?
LustfulAngel wrote...
Media, should be objective. The gun control incident was proof of how non objective the media really is.
Truly great media is truly unbiased, but how can you have that when those media outlets are owned by people who have a stake in public opinion? Rupert Murdoch for example. Never the less, I do think an objective "US" media outlet would be great, but I don't see it thriving without the backing a rich person or group who truly wants to progress American citizens, not manipulate. Al Gore as an example...
Black Jesus JC wrote...
bakapink wrote...
Honestly I'm juggling around (my own) conspiracy theory, that Zero Dark Thirty showed torture for the sake of breaking in American sensibility to the "idea and (self proclaimed) significance" of. (Won a trophy in the Academy awards (the biggest award show, here in the states right?)
Before i respond to this, are you being sarcastic here or do you actually believe ZDT was part of some grand conspiracy?
No I don't -_-, that why I insist that it is "my own conspiracy" theory, and in the next paragraph, that conspiracy theories are my "imagination". I know the difference between truth and speculated assumptions. I wouldn't believe "it was true", without infallible evidence for.