Vivaldiren wrote...
To me the issue has two base platforms - Religion, and issues regarding human rights. The Religious aspect is obvious, so I won't be going into it. The issue regarding human rights at it's simplest is that people will attempt to defend themselves by making a perceived threat seem more likely to affect other people. These people will, in turn, do the same, leading to Groupthink and Group Polarization which enforces the fear. It isn't so much that people think it's wrong as it is that they fear that if one willingly submits themselves to something then they may be forcibly submitted to it. What starts as an individual not liking what they are seeing becomes an irrational (or rational, depending on your viewpoint) fear shared by a group which attempts to eliminate the perceived cause of their distress. I would think that the greatest opponents to the idea of a sex object would be women's rights activists. Not because they think it's wrong, but because they feel that their rights are threatened by another women submitting herself in a fashion similar to the past sexist views held by the majority of the society they live in. The perceived threat is even more dangerous in the fact that it was not so long ago that the rights being "threatened" were not held by them, and they become even more afraid that they might loose them.
This makes a lot of sense. Come to think of it, this may explain why I have a feeling of unease in reguards to the feminist movement. Like I read a lot of articles about how sexy characters in games and movies are bad, and I start to worry that there is some sort of conspiracy that's trying to control my sexuality.
Or the other day I was watching an episode of that FeministFrequency thing on Youtube and she was going on about how current Lego sets teach boys that conflict and battles are cool and this is a bad thing. Then advocating that Lego should go back to being completely gender neuteral. This makes me worried that there is some sort of plot to keep men from being masculine.