Daggerrise wrote...
It's stupid, yes, but he
does have a point. If someone is
insane dedicated enough to spend likely what is a year or more of their pay on an item that is worth very little in its base form, they deserve something beyond top quality. Why not, right? It isn't hurting anybody who doesn't buy it, and the company gets richer if somebody actually
does buy it. The guy even said he never expects it to be sold.
Sure, maybe no one would by it, even if it is called an experiment, but it is by the shear audacity that someone would even think of charging anything for something so menial. Personally, I believe this is more along the lines as some sort of experiment to see where they can make the most buck out of microtransactions.
It's the thought that people are slapping price tags onto something so fucking stupid just to maximize their profits is just sad in this day and age. Hell, it's just like the games themselves. They are running up to $60 a new game, with half assed quality for a majority of them. What I mean by this is when they come out with a game, it's always $60 or some set price, which means their not marketing it by quality or content. Sucks balls because they are just getting it out as soon as possible, then they fix it or add content later because of all the online BS.