tsuyoshiro wrote...
I remember my very first anime cutscene, it was in a little game called Lunar: Silver Star Story. I loved it. Until then you didn't get that kind of interaction from an rpg, you just got a bunch of pixels talking to each other with their little word bubbles. Then was Xenogears (awesome scenes, despite the horrid horrid dubbing on that one), and I was hooked.
I love anime cut scenes, they are fun to watch, add to the story, and so far I haven't seen a lot of games that overuse them. Of course, this could be simply because I don't remember some particularly annoying game at the moment, I'll get back to ya if I do.
Yeah, in small amounts, there good.
The game that has the most I've played is Altelier Iris 2.
Including the Opening sequence, and ending sequence, there are 5