As much as assholes are indeed annoying, they can be avoided by visiting friendly servers and building up a community. And thus, my annoying thing: games that actively discourage community-building by not having servers. This counts only for PC gaming, I guess, and games with low player counts (like
Left 4 Dead) are excused, but when you have an online shooter, say, with 24 max players, it makes no sense to limit the game to matchmaking. It
discourages communities from forming and makes the games worse off for it. And worst part is I'm almost certainly it's done from a monetary perspective; without dedicated servers, they can release all the DLC mappacks they want! MWAHAHAHA! ...fucking... ruins games. Grr.
Sprite wrote...
I hate PROs, they think they are hot shit, whine about every little thing and have egos inversely proportional to the size of their dicks.
You hate pro gamers? Like, the people that play games for a living in tournaments? Like in what Starcraft II has a whole heap of, and they seem to be really nice, sportsman-like guys with a unified passion for playing well and putting on good games?
"pro" gamers, the ones that master a game, and then play it constantly in their basements "pwning teh n00bs" and ragequitting if someone so much as gets a hit off on them?