You want Diablo, FF series, RE series, Fatal frame, Silent hill series, Mortal kombat, Tekken, 007 games, Dune 2000, Metal gear soild games, Chrono Cross, Dino crisis, Parasite Eve, Xenogears, Castlevania series, Oddworld, Breath of fire 3,4,5(?), Tomb rider 2, Command and conquer series, Crusader: No remorse, Clock Tower, Wild arms 1,2,3,4, Valkyrie profile, Chrono trigger, legand of the Dragoon, Vagrant Story, Alundra 1 (Stay far away from the 2nd one), Street fighter series, Mega man series, Road rash series, Tales of destiny, Syphon filter, Persona series. There's thouands more, there's just under 8000 psx games, these are all games I own, I have others I just can't remember, and I'm too lazy to go that far. I hope it helps.