mibuchicha wrote...
p/s: A complain to GUST. Seriously, put the translation of the hymmnos songs somewhere in game. People don't understand it, so they don't care about it. To them it's just some unique music and that's it. Little do they know what is conveyed through those songs. No matter how good the music is, the best thing about hymmnos is always the lyrics.
I agree to this.
As, I consider myself as a big fan of Mir err I mean Ar Tonelico, I took it as my duty to research on the lyrics of her songs, especially Harmonious. And really the lyrics had so much hidden meaning conveyed and it was all so touching. Gamers would appreciate it much more if it was subbed in game rather than using google.
I too don't agree to the statement "AT1 is better". What, some naive, silver haired moe blob is better than the Gothic, loli-like, tsundere who manifests everything I regard as awesome? I think not!
Also AT2 characters all have key roles, especially the reyvetails. I will begin from the most awesome to least.
1. Jakuri/Mir vs Shurelia- Mir goes to Metafalls with the risk of dying due to distance from the tower of Ar Tonelico. Then she joins with our heroes. She then makes a plan of saving the whole world Ar Ciel by encouraging Cocona which helps the creation of the plot for Ar Tonelico 3. So basically Ar Tonelico 3 was all thanks to Mir. Shurelia on the other hand, after sealing the only person that ever cared for her, decided to do absolutely nothing during that time of peace. After her tower was attacked she also did nothing while giving all the work to the hero. Later in the game, just as you thought she'd finally be useful she freaking dies and once again burden our hero with more stuff. After finally resurrecting her when the only job remaining is basically to find the main boss, only then does she help. After that, she resumes her job of doing nothing while her daughter (guess who) goes to the tower of Frelia because apparently the Origins are too stupid to do the work themselves.
2. Cloche vs Aurica- Cloche from her childhood had the job of uniting her people no matter how wrong it was due to the manipulation of some pedophile. Even after the event where Luca takes over her job, she still accepts the key role of uniting IPDs who literally magnifies her (and a partner reyvetail's) power by 100x (if you get that many ipds). Even in the end she still has the big role of governing her people along side her sister. Aurica on the other hand, as much as I like her, is a doormat. Lets face it, unless you choose her to sing the key songs, all she is, is a pretty face in the team. You can take her out from the plot and the story will still continue.
3. Luca vs Misha- I don't like Luca very much but I can symphatize with her character. In the beginning her role was only to cheer and sing for the hero but this quickly changed. In the middle you find her leading an army of peasants to revolt and captured the hearts of everyone. Also, even though the IPDs love Cloche, let's not forget who really made those IPDs get well. Misha on the other hand was also great. Unlike Aurica she had the key role of keeping Mir sealed with her unique song magic. To be honest I find her to have the most role in this game, even more than Shurelia.
In the end, both are good games but I just find Ar Tonelico 2 to have more substance. The cosmospheres were more in depht and the character's stories were more touching.