Cyndas wrote...
To be honest I can't play lately. The recent patch has made it impossible to play properly.
RPG blast radius/Damage Radius for Engineers are now intensively SMALLER, than a M320, GP-30 on an assault, which doesn't make much sense.
Suppression is simply outrageous. The fact that a support can lay on the ground and fire off rounds in a general direction with no real intention of making an attempt to hit a target, and causing my screen to blur up and absolutely screw with my aim is retarded. For instance, one time I was completely suppressed by a support firing shots in the wind, and when I fired about 20 rounds from my A-91 at a Assault point blank, and damn near all the rounds had missed. Even with my reticle and Kobra RDS on target.
Assault revival rate is absolutely unbalanced. The fact they can pick up so many targets in so little time is irksome. Why is it that an assault can pick up 4 guys I killed each with a bullet to the head? And do it so many times subsequently without any fault, I've seen an assault bring me back 6-ish times. It was at the point of annoyance because I ran out of ammo, and all the supports wouldn't drop their kits. The people assault bring back to life, come back with 100 HP, can even shoot on the ground the moment they are revived, can kill other players, and when they die, it doesn't count as a kill.
I almost never use vehicles, but tanks are weak to the point of absurdity. One-RPG shot to the lower back-side will instantly disable it. Some air-vehicles can seem to literally cut a tank to pieces with the mounted vulcan, I don't know much about real life, and whether the planes have armor piercing rounds of that calibur, I won't really complain, but I've seen tanks get destroyed in one swoop of a jet/helicopter.
If they happen to fix suppression alone, I'd be a happy camper. I don't use vehicles anyways. I may still have a complaint or two about those necrophiliac assaults though.
You are aware that you can refuse a revive and simply choose to respawn instead, right? The option is given to you the very moment that an assault class uses it's paddles on you. Also, tank armor is actually the weakest on the back and top. And since RPGs are
anti-tank weapons, disabling a tank with one from behind makes more sense than you're making it out to be. I should also note that they fire high-explosive anti-tank warheads, which are pretty much shaped charges meant to pierce tank armor. Because of this, they actually do have a smaller blast radius than a 40mm grenade that's actually meant to kill infantry.
Personally, I never had a problem with the suppression updates. I actually approve of it, if anything, as it encourages teamwork among squads. Besides, you can always take the Cover add-on for your class if it bothers you that much. Inversely, perhaps the people that have been suppressing you so badly had been using the Suppress add-on for an additional suppression effect on their targets. I use it for my Support class or for whenever I'm out to kill snipers.