I checked the masterlist, and there wasn't a thread listed for this game, which is shocking considering how phenomenal it is.So let us discuss Braid.
I thought it was a masterpiece. Every puzzle was brilliant, some of them made me think about a game in ways I'd never considered. The design was beautiful and artistic, and that's all that needs to be said about that. To top it all off, the story was genuinely fascinating, and I loved the philosophical consideration of the human condition.
Oh, and let's not forget the last. Fucking. Level. I came buckets.
Here's the trailer, and if you haven't played the game, download it immediately.
Unless it has changed in the recent hours, the game is selling for only 400MSP right now on XBL. I bought it a couple of days ago. Just about to beat the game, unless another puzzle stumps me for hours at a time. Definitely worth 400 points, although I'm glad I never paid more for it than that.
I started playing it a few months ago but I didn't finish. I'm determined not to look at any walkthroughs so it's gonna take me a while. I'll probably have another go at it soon.
I've played through this game more times than any other video game with the sole exception of Super Mario World. It never gets old.
I think the best part about the game, besides the game itself, is that it's set something of a standard and trend for newer indie games. It's a testament to the fact that innovative gameplay, immersion, and, most of all, love for a craft trump cutting edge graphics any day. Just check out trailers for the upcoming Fez and Snapshot. I find myself more excited by indie releases than anything else these days.
Seriously, they need to replace the SATs with this game as a standardized test for college.