*Note* I've heard some people have had trouble with the game crashing, but i don't know if that goes for everyone, so you'll have to find that out for yourself.
Yup, it crashes for me during the H-scene in the wedding dress.
The program goes (Not Responding), then returns to the Main Menu after a little bit.
EDIT: It seems the game seems to be broken at all the final H-scenes for all girls in the wedding dress, the final text goes normally, it freezes, and returns to the main menu. It just seems like a glitch, nothing of which should affect your gameplay since its the final scene. (I think)
100% Save, all done by me.
I save you guys the pleasure of the story for just raw fappage...
And I saved you 15 mins of holding the CTRL button...
Soo, uhh, if you feel like repping, you can. Save Data