Just finished this game.
What kinda fucked up story plot is this?
Evil ruskies? AGAIN?
Basically it's story from movie SOLT, (you know, with AnJolie) but with even more evil soviets, missles, and deadly neurogas thing. Oh yeah. And REZNOV is our Tyler Durden. No shit. Fukken american ZSOG commando in soviet leather trenchcoat talking to himself. :))) I guess Reznov now their trademark character, how 'bout crossover with IW Price vs. Reznov? AND THEY KILLED DMITRY PETRENKO! YOU BASTARDS!
Music and levels from COD5, anyone?
Sure, it's got some sweet moments, like firefight with gasmasks and tunnel rat stuff, but sometimes it feels like copy-paste from IW games(COD1-2;4;6)
Overall, the game is pretty, but sometimes she's really ugly. For example, REALLY BAD SCRIPTING at stealth mission. And during final mission you can easily run in too far and scripts will not launch until you return to the beginning.
Also tried split-screen Zombies, and Multiplayer.
1)Why bots are Live only? No bots in local play? You suck Treyarch.
2)Character design still sucks ass. There was some good characters in singleplayer story, why not use them? You suck Treyarch.
3)Most of the guns suck. G11 is supposed to be best gun(as in it opens at level 70) BUT IT FUCKIN SUCKS! You suck Treyarch.
4)Replay thing stolen from Bungie Live only too? YOU FUCKEN SUCK, TREYARCH!!
Ok, haters gonna hate.
But overall, it's not really bad. Game pace a little bit slower than MW2, more weapon variety, FACEPAINT? Hey, i want a balaclava, wtf!
Oh well. Maps are freakin' huge now. Is this really Q3 engine?
Carmack, man, you're the Man. GL with Rage engine.
Also, Zombies are back again.
So are Dempsy, Nikolay, Takeo and Richtofan.
Some wise-ass story plot about time travel included.
JFK and others level(Pentagon) are available when you beat single.
There's also some third zombie map, but so far, i have no idea how to unlock it. Maybe beat single on hardcore, i dunno.
And those maps are ENORMOUS. They are so big, SO BIG!