RagedBear wrote...
I can't believe so many of you think WaW's mp (or anything Treyarch touches) is trash. I'll admit I didn't like cod3, but waw is a good game.
I didn't hate MP for on WAW so much as I for some reason, unbeknownst to me, suck at WaW MP but manage somewhere between average to slightly above average in MW. And also, to the hopes of not getting flammed into the dirt, liked the campaign in WaW a lot better than the campaign in MW.
As too appear as someone who doesn't side track topics. MWII looks good from the trailer but due to sneaking suspicions of delays and lack of resources, will not be pre-ordering it. Now back off to CoD2 until someone sidetracks me with a CoD4 MP invite.
lazyasschillypepper wrote...
lol, how bad was W@W anyway...? I just played 2,3,4 and I loved the 4th the most, so seeing this and I'm REALLY looking forward to it
WaW was like getting everything you wished you had in CoD2 and 3 while simultaneously getting gutted by a Japanese soldier. (BONZAI!)