Eden Eternal
I remembered being in 4 different clans while playing this game, when the first 3 of them got disbanded because the clan leaders started becoming inactive. The last clan I was in was a clan called 'Paradox'. I stayed in this clan longer than the previous clans. I was a sort experienced player at that time, and the clan itself was full of experienced OP players.
The first few days I was in the clan, I wouldn't want to join into the clan's chat. Then after that, I started getting closer with the clan by helping some members in dungeon missions. It was fun and met some good people along the way. So every time we're online and one of us has a dungeon mission, we'd help each other immediately. Sometimes, we screwed up the missions sometimes because the dungeon monsters were too strong or one of us didn't do our part right. But we didn't care if we died that many times, and the people didn't go all caps rage on the person who screwed up. We'd spammed the clan's chat with lots of crazy things, but we also get to know a little more about each other in real life.
After some months in the clan, these people that I'm close to started quitting the clan for other clans. I can't quit the clan since I've became a key person in the guild. We do still chat in personal chats but the feeling just isn't the same. New members came into the clan and these new people are just like those everyday swearing arrogant caps raging idiots you'd normally find in most online games. Some of these people are so fucking difficult to communicate with since it's obvious that English isn't their mother language, some were so ridiculous to keep begging for money from the clan leaders and me when our clan's rule stated that begging for money in prohibited. These events kept going on for days, so I planned to quit the clan and find another one or join the same clan with one of the people I knew.
But then, one day a new member came in just as I was about to declare my dismissal from the clan. Her name was Fabiana. I remembered the time during her first day in the clan, that person asked everyone in the clan to find her in a certain place since she was playing hide and seek and she would give a prize to the person who found her. Everybody in the clan were busy with solo and dungeon missions. I was too lazy to do missions so I decided to play her game. It was difficult to find her so she gave in and led me the way to her hiding spot. Along the way, she'd still want to give me the prize through trade for my effort but I refused. She then secretly sent the prize through mail. But I didn't know about it until the next day and I sent the prize back to her. Anyway, she then showed me her hiding spot. From that moment on, I've realised after months of playing the game, I never knew that such a place exists. The scenery was beautiful and lively. Then she showed me to more places with beautiful sceneries. We talked, and talked, and talked while going to these places. And we were sort of a cyber-couple after that day.
A week later, I quit playing the game after real life puts a burdensome pressure on me. On the day I quit, all the people I knew, including her, weren't online. So I quit with discretion. It has been almost 10 months since I last played that game. I wonder if they're still playing and the clan is still alive. But I don't feel like playing the game again since I've lost my interest in it during those months. Such happy moments never last forever whether in real life or in the virtual world.