Shad0w0faheart wrote...
It's quite simple if you think about it from a Konami stand point: money.
Why would Konami not try to develop something that makes them major profit, as for Shi En he isn't as challenging as some think, mainly because most try to use spell or trap (spell speed 2 or less) to deal with him rather than monster effect or attack power. On a side note fusions are actually showing more play than they have previously due to fusion that have more lenient requirements and super polymerization.
Also, Shi En isnt that hard to take off the board. Unless you're using spell speed 3 (counter traps aka Solemn Judgment/Warning etc etc), then you're obviously going about getting rid of him the wrong way. Shadow already explained part of this. Stardust Dragon is much worse than a Shi En because he has the power to brush all 3 elements (spells, traps, monster effects) that destroy cards on the field.
But even he has flaws (2500atk is beefy but its not alot in retrospect). Again, there are no card effects of any sort that top spell speed 3 (counter traps) except for another spell speed 3. Stardust cannot chain D.D. Warrior Lady's effect. He cannot chain Dimensional Wall, he cannot chain Dimensional Prison, he cannot chain Magic Cylinder. A few examples.
Also, Red Eyes Black Dragon has been obsolete since he cameout (Summoned Skull, Jinzo, Chaos Command Magician, Cybernetic Magician, c'mon people lol).
Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon is the go to Red Eyes card