This one was pretty straight forwards but as I've only played through it once I don't know if I just got lucky or what. Also the "Extras" section is setup in such a way as to make it impossible to know if you're missing CGs after a particular run or not.
It's all pretty minor stuff though, the story and progression were nice, the CG was good and uncensored, and I had a lot of fun playing through with Misago. The rest of the girls didn't really interest me much. Which is kind of sad because this really a rather good one as far as complexity and quality are concerned.
I think I'll make myself go through it a couple more times later on just to validate my opinion anyway :P
Thanks Mordorin for the download :) And also, thanks MonTcle for the information on how to get the game working, I started to get frustrated and almost fed my computer a Falcon Punch ^.^
Is it just me who gets "incorret big-endian headers" when 7zipping the full+no crack file? And when I try to install it, it fails to copy the file, thus not installing. Anyone care to share a piece of wisdom please? As none have said anything about this problem yet..